Saurabh's Notebook

Life Learnings

Quick bullet points of some cool life lessons I came across.

  1. Nothing pisses the world off more than you being comfortable with who you are.
  2. Money buys you freedom and freedom is a privilege. When you have money you have choices and freedom to choose what you want to do. You have freedom to spend time the way you want to spend time.
  3. Listening to someone without judgement is the most precious gift you can give someone. Do not listen to respond. Listen to understand. Listen to empathise.
  4. No one owes you their time and money, and you don’t owe either.
  5. Losing your temper indicates you have more personal growth ahead.
  6. Being in control of your time is being in control of your life.
  7. Do not try to remember anything. Write things down to free your mind from tasks.
  8. Holding a grudge requires significant effort.
  9. Complaining never leads to solutions.
  10. Exercising teaches discipline and patience.
  11. You will outgrow relationships and friendships, and when you do, don’t be ashamed to move on.
  12. The most dangerous people are those who run away from change, they are also the ones who suck the most energy out of you. Run away from them.
  13. Being skilled at something and enjoying it are different things.
  14. People prefer working for a competent jerk over an incompetent nice person because they want to learn.
  15. Don’t believe you deserve your life circumstances; luck and privilege play a major role. We were just born into privilege. We were born into love, care and shelter. Sitting on opportunities that people far smarter and hard-working than us will never get to see even for a second of their lives what we take for granted.
  16. True respect is when people know everything about you and still respect you. Your values are shown by how you treat those who have nothing to offer.
  17. You will achieve what you actively seek, not just what you desire or dream.

📕 Book I am reading right now

I am currently reading The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read.

This book reveals the vital do’s and don’ts of relationships, and how we can form better relationships. I have only read it 10% so far and already enjoying the book and reflecting on how I behave with people around me.

I am enjoying the read. I am sure you will too.

You can check it out here 👉

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